Hook context

When building e-commerce integrations, your hooks often need to behave differently during testing or know which store is executing them. Hook context provides this environmental awareness to your hooks.

What is hook context?

Hook context is a parameter of the hook function that provides information about the hook's environment, like test mode status and store details.

Available properties

isTestMode: boolean Determines whether the hook is run in test mode
shopifyDomain: string The domain of the store

Common use cases

Here's how to use hook context to create smarter hooks:

module.exports = async function (payload, actions, context) {
  // Use different API endpoints based on test/production mode
  const api = context.isTestMode ? 
    'https://dev.myapi.com' : 

  // Include store information in API calls
  const { data } = await actions.http.post(api, {
    store: context.shopifyDomain,
    payload: payload

Best Practices

  • Check isTestMode when making external API calls
  • Use shopifyDomain for logging and tracking store-specific issues